Friday, November 11, 2011

Fall Crafts and Other Crafty Links

Well, fall has finally come to Israel.  It looks, feels and smells like fall.  We even had a few first rain storms of the year.  Clementines and persimmons are suddenly in season.  I really love fall and I would really love to do some crafting with the kids, even though I am not sure how much of it will be realisticall possible this year. These links are worth saving for the future as well.  I can't wait to try some of these, sooner or later:) Happy crafting!
Lots of great fall projects from Pink and Green Mama - just search under fall leaves
A great collection of art ideas on trees from Harmony Art Mom
Lots of creative fall projects from the Crafty Crow
Fall Leaf Butterflies
Plaster Leaf Project
And other crafting inspirations:
Popsicle stick bracelets
Great quilling art examples
Art journal page idea from


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