Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yom Yerushalaim, birthdays, moving and other goings on

It's Yom Yerushalaim (Jerusalem Day)here today. This was the day on which in 1967 with great miracles of the Six Day War was won and the holy city of Jerusalem was reunited and restored to the Jewish hands.  Judea and Samaria were too returned to the Jewish nation at that time.  The Arabs are still upset that their genocidal plans did not succeed then when they attacked Israel and would like to turn the clock back to that time and try again, hence the whole obsession with the 1967 lines,  but I digress.   There is a very famous picture that I love, of three Jewish soldiers looking up at the Western Wall, the Kotel with awe, right after the area has been conquered by Israel and the Jews could once again access this holy site.  It's a very special day and something to be very grateful for.  May Hashem continue to shower us with His blessings and perform more miracles for us and expand our borders to where they rightfully belong.  So at some point during the second intifada there was a campaign in the US, to support Israel by buying Israeli products.  So I bought two posters, one was of the above picture and one an amazing panoramic view of Jerusalem.  I had them hanging in my house to always remind us where our hearts should really be.  When we moved to Israel, I think I gave them to a friend.  And so it was that a year after I came to visit Israel for the first time, Hashem has answered my prayers and  miraculously we were able to move here.  We came here a day after the Second Lebanon War stopped.  And I can't believe, that it's been almost five years.  In aliyah lore they say, that five years has a special significance.  Five, they claim shows staying power.  People who managed to hold on and adjust despite the difficulties in the first five years generally stay for good. Yes, it was almost five years ago, when we packed some suitcases, took our babies, 4 years old, 3 years old and a two months old, gave away all our things in America and came here to live.  We didn't go with Nefesh B'Nefesh, didn't send a lift, we just came.  I can't believe it's been almost five years.  The babies have grown up, we've added two more since then.  Today, the two months old of then has celebrated her fifth birthday. Wow!  And now, almost  on  our fifth anniversary of moving to Israel, we are moving to a different apartment.  Weirdly, in some ways I am finding this move more difficult than moving to Israel sometimes:) Perhaps, it's another new beginning for our family, G-d willing a good one.  But part of me has a very hard time letting go of our first home here, the ancient hills outside my window, where every time I look out I feel the Land of Israel embracing me.  Maybe precisely because it was an adjustment, because it took time to make new friendships and build new relationships, I am nervous to leave the safety of it all behind again.  There are so many memories here, sigh.  But, it's for the good and it's another step in our settling here and making this place our own and  we are still going to live close to our old neighbourhood, so it's not like moving overseas.   So five years later, I am still in love with this place, I still feel the Land of Israel embracing me, I am still adjusting and I still don't want to be anywhere else.  So today on Yom Yerushalaim, I am thankful for many miracles of then and many miracle of now as we continue on our personal and national journey in this Promised Land to which G-d has led us.


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